Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Check it out. You know you want to.
Read the books. Contact me to find out why.
386-3712 or kbriggs@ncls.org or AIM: CFLYAZ
- Krista
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Iron Man
I am a lifelong, self professed comic book nut. Comics have been a hobby (or obsession) of mine since childhood. At the age of ten I was given a refrigerator box full of comics, and I was immediately hooked. I spent a good deal of my leisure time fighting the hordes with Conan, battling the Red Skull with Captain
The last few years of comic book movies have been fantastic. Box office winners like X-Men and Spider Man have helped blot out memories of stinkers like the 1970’s version of Spider man, the Dolph Lundgren version of The Punisher, and the dreadful Nick Fury, Agent of Shield that David Hasselhoff wishes never happened.
When I heard the announcement that Marvel Comics had greenlighted Iron Man, I was actually a bit nervous. This would be an easy one to completely ruin. Iron Man has always been every bit the flawed hero… he has no genetic super powers… he relies on his brains and an armoured battle suit to fight crime and mete out justice. Tony Stark is not your standard Clark
My fears, it seems, were not warranted. Robert Downey junior was casting brilliance. Who better to play a womanizing lush than him! The writing, with all the possibilities for being hackneyed and over the top, was brilliant! They updated the Iron Man story line, and the dialogue was fresh and humorous. The film was everything I could have hoped for and more… action scenes were fast paced, dramatic scenes were well paced and engrossing, and the armour… wow.
All in all… movie magic. I only give it two thumbs up because I lack more thumbs. I highly recommend that you go see it, and when you do, stay to the end of the credits. At all costs. I don’t care if the place is on fire… it’s worth it.
- Sam
Thursday, May 8, 2008
The Host
That said, I'm sure this is starting to sound like a negative review, but trust me when I say it is not. This book was breath-taking. Stephenie Meyer certainly has a knack for making her characters real to the reader. She makes you feel what the main character feels, and in this case that gets a little complicated as there are two people in the main character's head, so you're really not sure who you're empathizing with.
I was reluctant to read this book. I'm starting to realize that when it comes to books, I'm overly judgmental and reluctant to try new things, something I'm trying to remedy. I'm not into the alien thing. I never was. Give me vampires, give me werewolves and dragons and faeries. Those things I can make myself believe in, even if only for the short duration of the book (except unicorns, we all know unicorns are real). But aliens? Really? Now that's a little far-fetched. Reluctant as I was, however, with the Twilight series fresh in my mind and the anticipation of the next book still strong, when anything with Stephenie Meyer's name on it is shoved my way, my snobbish stubbornness will crumble. I endured 624 pages of elation and heartbreak at the hands of the emotional sadist I've come to love.
Now let us all clap our hands and say, "I do believe MTV won't ruin the Twilight movie. I do believe."
- Krista
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Tournament
On April 5th we finally had our tournament. Our original tournament featuring Super Smash Bros. Melee in celebration of Teen Tech Week at the beginning of March was snowed, sleeted, and hailed out. We played for a bit but ultimately decided to reschedule for April.
So April came and this time I got us a copy of Brawl, which prevented a repeat of the coup I had to quell in March over the fact that the tournament was happening one day before Brawl was released, due, I might add, to setbacks with Ninendo...not my fault!
The tournament was alot of fun. We had around 12 people so it didn't take long to determine a winner, Kevin Platt. With our winner established it was a free-for-all. We played for hours before we finally called it quits and went home. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. I know I did.
Here are some pictures:

- Krista