Friday, August 15, 2008

Reminder: Re: Anime Club

Just a reminder that there will be Anime Club next Wednesday the 20th from 3:00-5:30pm and the following Wednesday the 27th at the same time.

The Anime Club will now be meeting every week. Our room is unavailable the first and last Wednesday of the month so those weeks we will keep our old day and time and meet on Friday from 5:00-7:30pm. Every week in between we will be meeting on Wednesday from 3:00-5:30pm.

Keep an eye on the teen website for schedules.

- Krista

We Can Has Video Games?

We have made yet another leap that lands us even further into the land of awesome than we were before...

We are now accepting donations of the following types of video games and systems that are in excellent condition: Playstation, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, GameCube, Wii, Xbox, and Xbox 360. At this time we will not be accepting any handheld or cartridge-based games or systems. All donated systems will be tested before being accepted. Please bring all donations to the front circulation desk.

Donated games will be added to the collection. Patrons can look forward to video game library programs, and many will be available for checkout!

As always, for more information contact us in any of the usual ways.

This is going to be awesome!

- Krista

Monday, August 4, 2008

Breaking Dawn

Well, I did it! I read Breaking Dawn. The series is over.

Before I express my opinion on this book I'd like to point out that it seems like the whole world hates it. Way before there should even be reviews, people were saying it was a horrible book. It's been said many times that it was drawn out and slow going. And I suppose if you just look at the 754 pages, it would seem that way.

However, upon reading the book I have this to say, it rocks. Really. It rocks hard. Stephenie Meyer proved in this book more than any other so far her skill as a storyteller. She kept the reader locked in on the emotions of the characters and really made you feel the spectrum, from desolation to blinding joy. That is a skill too often sacrificed in today's literature. As far as it being slow, I knew there would be criticism of this book. There's no pleasing everyone especially in the conclusion of a series that is so polarized. There's also bound to be some resentment as fans of the series don't want to see it end so there will never be a good ending. That being said, I think all other criticism of this book could be taken in stride, however, it is anything but slow. There were so many things happening. So many twists. It never got boring. All in all it was an spectacular journey and my mind cannot fathom how it could possibly have concluded in any other way.

Now I've got to hold my breath until Midnight Sun!

Also, I have a limited number of Breaking Dawn buttons and bookmarks that were sent to me by the publisher. Contact me in any of the usual ways to find out how to get one.

- Krista