Tuesday, June 11, 2013

CFLoquence: News and Reviews from Your Library

Beach Reads
Happiness is lounging on the beach with a cool drink and a good book. Judging from the current weather, that kind of happiness won’t be coming soon enough. Luckily we have a large selection of books that will take you seaside even on the dreariest of days. Here are a few beach escapes to choose from:
If you’re craving romance and intrigue, let Nora Roberts take you to Whiskey Beach, her newest NY Times bestseller. In this novel, Boston lawyer Eli Landon flees from the scandal surrounding his estranged wife’s death to his grandmother’s house in Massachusetts.  There he falls for the eccentric and talented housekeeper Abra Walsh, who helps him reinvent himself. There’s mystery and pirate treasure in this latest novel by the popular Nora Roberts.
The Sandcastle Girls by Chris Bohjalian continues to circulate heavily among our patrons, almost a year after its release. Bohjalian intertwines two stories: Elizabeth Endicott’s experience as a medical volunteer to Armenian refugees during World War I and her granddaughter Laura’s discovery of old family secrets in contemporary New York.  Bohjalian explores love and loss in the aftermath of the Armenian genocide, a horrific event that the author’s own grandparents survived. This novel is available in print format and as an ebook on overdrive.northcountrylibraries.org.
Have we pushed the Bloody Jack Adventures on you yet? All of the cool kids (well, most of us) read them. This YA historical fiction series by L.A. Meyer features Jacky Faber, a heroine so unlike the demure girls in her 18th century world. Jackie is clever, reckless, flawed and utterly captivating. She begins her adventures as a London street urchin disguising herself as a boy aboard the HMS Dolphin and becomes a legendary pirate/privateer. Throughout this series, she meets many historical figures, including Napoleon, the artist Goya and the fabled female pirate Ching Shih.  Jackie’s tales are also available in audio book format.
If you’re interested in catching up on some classics, pick up one of our vintage sea adventures. We have the Horatio Hornblower novels by C.S. Forester, Jules Verne’s 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea, Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe and Robert Louise Stevenson’s Treasure Island.
For our young readers and listeners, we have Lady Bug Girl at the Beach by David Soman, illustrated by Jacky Davis. Join Lulu and her beagle/BFF Bingo on their first trip to the ocean. Lulu learns to overcome her fears and experiences nature’s magic. The illustrations are absolutely adorable.
Stop by the CFL for many more titles. We’re happy to help you customize your summer reading list!

Children’s Events
            Just a few more weeks before the Summer Reading Program begins! “Dig Into Reading” with Miss Valerie, our Youth Services Specialist. Registration ends June 24th. For more details, please visit www.cantonfreelibrary.org/pdf/srp_calendar.pdf.

Teen Events
Get your nerd on with our tabletop game “Settlers of Catan” on YA Wednesdays from 3-5pm! In a few weeks, Young Adult Specialist Krista takes teens “Beneath the Surface” for the Summer Reading Program. Will you find dragons, zombies and hobbits?

Adult Summer Reading Program Event
            The adult SRP theme is “Groundbreaking Reads.” Dig into the program with “Groundbreaking Seeds” on Monday, June 17th at 6pm. Bittersweet Farm will teach participants about homegrown herbs and guide them through the creation of their very own herb box. Registration is required. This program is free; however, donations to help cover the costs of materials are appreciated. For more info, contact Krista at 386-3712, ext. 3 or kbriggs@ncls.org.

Staff Suggestions

Miss Val’s Pick:  Thank You Bear by Greg Foley. “Pleased to find a small, empty box, Bear calls it ‘the greatest thing ever’ and decides to take it to his friend Mouse. Along the way, he meets Monkey, Owl, Fox, Elephant, Squirrel, and Rabbit, but no one really appreciates his find. Bear begins to doubt his earlier enthusiasm, but Mouse has the last say when he curls up inside the little box. ‘It is the greatest thing ever,’ he tells his friend. ‘Thank you, Bear." This clever author/ illustrator has a wonderful website. Visit it and be sure to check out the Message Maker! www.thankyoubear.com.”

Krista Recommends: Wither by Lauren DeSefano. “Focused on a totally different kind of survival, fans of dystopian fiction will love this story set in a genetically-manipulated and virus-ravaged future America."
For a list of our hours of service and additional resources, visit www.cantonfreelibrary.org and “like” us on Facebook. Happy reading!

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